
Rating: 3.19 / 5.00 (36 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the filling:

For the sauce:


For the wraps, first prepare the filling. Finely chop the onion and fry in a little oil until translucent. Add the minced meat and fry.

Add salt, pepper, herb salt, tomato paste, ketchup and some water and season to taste. Add paprika powder if necessary. Simmer briefly.

Remove from heat and add red beans, corn, sliced tomatoes, some grated cheese and fresh chopped parsley.

For the sauce, mix the sour cream with creme fraiche, salt, herb salt, crushed garlic and freshly chopped chives and season to taste.

Warm the wraps briefly in the oven and fill with the minced meat, sauce and cheese strips. Roll up (according to picture instructions), fry briefly in melted butter and serve immediately with remaining garlic sauce.

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