Wild Garlic Lasagna with Cod and Orange Fillets

Rating: 2.80 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Wild garlic pesto:

Wild garlic vegetables:



A great pasta dish for any occasion:

Jean Marie Dumaine also caught a cold – he fights the viruses with good humor and vitamin-rich cuisine. Wild garlic seems to be a suitable remedy for him.

Finally, since the whole thing should be ready at the same time, it is best to proceed in this order: Cut the peel of the orange small at the top and bottom, then along the sides, so that no peel and no white skin is left on the pulp. Now cut out the “fillets” between the separating skins of each piece with a very sharp kitchen knife and set aside.

Press the juice out of the remaining tissue with your hand and collect it.

For the wild garlic pesto, cut the leaves into tender strips and place in a mortar form together with the sunflower seeds and a tiny bit of salt, then grind well, but not too finely. Finally, add the oil in batches and keep rubbing until you have a creamy sauce.

Put the cod fillets unseasoned in a saucepan with boiling hot water on a strainer, cover and steam for five minutes. At the same time, in another saucepan, make the lasagna sheets al dente. During this time, steam the wild garlic leaves for the vegetables with a little bit of oil until they fall together, seasoning them with a little bit of salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar.

Now just add the orange juice and about 2 tablespoons of olive oil with a magic stirrer.

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