Welsh Salad – Buffet

Rating: 3.38 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


For decoration:


Important! The leaf salad can be made in stages, no vinegar is added, otherwise it becomes sour too quickly! Also on oil is renounced.

Mass enough for 6-8 people. It depends on whether the salad is served as a side dish or as a main course.

The leaf salad can be prepared of course just as from normal legumes, which must be soaked accordingly before one night long. So that the leaf salad is not toouu labor-intensive, you can make it in stages over several days.

The most important thing!!!!! is not to add vinegar, otherwise the leaf lettuce will quickly “tip over” and go bad. It is equally important that if the leaf lettuce is not to be consumed in one day, do not season everything with apples and pickles on the spot. These two ingredients also contribute to the souring of the salad.

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