Vegetable Soup

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Rinse and clean the shallots, celery, leek and tomatoes and cut them into pieces of about 1 cm. Melt the butter in a high saucepan with a diameter of about 30 cm. Add the shallots and diced vegetables, except the tomatoes, and sauté on speed 7 until soft but not brown.

Season the vegetables lightly with salt and season with pepper. Add the bay leaf spice and deglaze the vegetables with the white wine. Remove the vegetables from the heat and let them cool down.

Important: Cool the vegetables completely so that the clear soup does not become cloudy later. Fill up the vegetables with water. Add the tomatoes and heat. Cook the soup at a low temperature of 60-70 °C. From time to time remove the foam with a slotted spoon. After 30 -45 min. add the sprig of lovage to the clear soup. Strain the clear soup. Allow the chicory broth to cool.

As a garnish you can use fine slices of mushrooms and finely chopped chives, which you put into plates and pour over the hot clear soup.

Garnish: clean the celery and cook it in a little clear soup for about 3 minutes on speed 7. Then cut into small cubes. Pour into the plates with the clear soup and garnish the soup with chervil leaves. Cook young peas and carrots cut into small cubes for approx. 4 min. in a little clear soup until al dente and arrange in soup plates.

Always cook the clear soup without the lid.

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