Vegetable Roll with Arugula Oil

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Arugula oil:


1. preheat oven to 150 °C. Thinly brush the baking tray with oil. Roast the vegetables in order, brushing the baking sheet thinly with oil each time in between. Rinse and clean vegetables, remove peel from carrots and potatoes.

Cut vegetables lengthwise into narrow slices (carrots and potatoes about 3 mm, zucchini and melanzani about 5 mm), cut peppers into wide strips.

Place the vegetables on the baking tray, season with salt and pepper and roast in the oven. Carrots and potatoes (covered with aluminum foil): 25 min.

Peppers (open): 25 min. Zucchini and melanzani (open): 15 min.

4. stir vinegar with salt and pepper, add olive oil while stirring. Mix in kitchen herbs. Prepare a sheet of parchment paper (about 40 x 60 cm). Layer the vegetables on it by type: Potatoes – Melanzani – Peppers – Carrots – Zucchini. Drizzle each layer with a little marinade. 5.

Roll up the vegetables tightly with the paper. Place vegetable roll on a plate and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

6. preheat oven to 180 °C. Remove roll from refrigerator, cut into 5 cm thick slices with paper and heat in oven for

in the oven for 5 minutes. Arrange rolls on plates, carefully remove paper. Serve vegetable rolls with arugula oil.

Tip: Large rolls

You can cut large slices from it. This way the vegetable roll will be compact and will not fall apart when sliced! Arugula oil 100 g arugula, 100 m

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