Vegetable Broth

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

Remove the peel from the onion and shallots. Clean the leeks and rinse them thoroughly. Clean and rinse the carrots, celery and fennel. Cut everything into not too small pieces. Clean the mushrooms.

Briefly sauté the onion and shallot cubes in olive oil. Add the celery, leek, carrots, fennel, mushrooms and the unpeeled and crushed garlic cloves. Fill the saucepan with the water. Add bay leaves, parsley stalks (tie them together with spaghetti beforehand), cloves as well as sea salt and bring the whole thing to a boil once briefly. Leave to boil for 20 minutes.

Remove from the heat, add the peppercorns and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Pour everything through a sieve, pressing lightly.


You can make the vegetable broth well in advance and freeze, for example, in ice cube molds or plastic containers of different sizes, because then you can defrost the broth in the different quantities, each according to the recipe. However, it tastes better if the vegetable broth is prepared fresh before use.

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