Vanilla Banana Slice

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Total time: 1 hour

For the sponge cake:

For the cream:

For the glaze:


For the vanilla banana slice, first prepare the sponge cake. For the sponge, separate the eggs, beat the yolks with 50 g of confectioners’ sugar, then add the rum and oil.

Beat the egg whites with 75 g of granulated sugar and a little salt until creamy, sift the flour with the cocoa. Stir the yolk mixture into the snow and carefully fold in the flour mixture.

Spread on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 180 °C until golden brown. After cooling, spread the sponge cake with currant jam.

For the cream, beat eggs, sugar and salt over steam until warm, then beat until cold using a food processor or over ice. Beat the cream until creamy.

Soak gelatine and dissolve with a little rum. Stir gelatine into 3 tbsp. of the egg mixture until smooth and then stir into the remaining egg mixture. Carefully fold in the cream.

Composition: Cut bananas lengthwise into strips. Spread one-third of the cream on the sponge cake, then top with bananas.

Repeat once more, then spread the rest of the cream on top of the bananas as a finishing touch and chill for 1 hour.

For the glaze, bring cream to a boil once, then remove from heat add chocolate and stir until smooth. Allow to cool and then pour onto the slices.

Spread evenly and chill the vanilla banana slice for another 2 hours.

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