Trout Fillet Smoked on Vegetable Mullet in a Honey-Blackberry Sauce

Rating: 3.88 / 5.00 (25 Votes)

Total time: 30 min


For the vegetable broth:

For the honey blackberry sauce:


For the trout fillet smoked on vegetable sauce, first prepare the vegetable sauce. For the vegetable sauce, cook carrots, kohlrabi, salsify and peas in salted water with peppercorns, bay leaf, vinegar and a teaspoon of honey until al dente.

Dissolve gelatin in water. Line a tureen with cling film, place vegetables in the mold, fill with cold broth and let set. Then cut into small cubes. For the honey-blackberry sauce, boil rum, water and honey, lightly mix in blackberries.

Serve the trout fillet with the brawn and the sauce.

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