The Tourte Saint-Honore

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)


For filling:

Scalding dough:



A simple but delicious cake recipe:

“Saint-Honore” – Saint Honoratius – the patron saint of French bakers-pastry chefs. Tourte Saint Honore is said to have been invented in 1846 by Chiboust, rue Saint-Honore, Paris.

For the base, rinse the springform base after it has cooled (*). Roll out the puff pastry directly on it and prick it tightly with a fork. Leave to cool until ready to use.

Scalding dough: In a chrome steel pan, bring butter, water, sugar and salt to a gentle boil. Pull skillet away and turn off stove top. Combine flour with baking powder and add all at once (in a fall). Stir until the dough comes together. Return the frying pan to the hot plate. Stir until a whitish coating coats the bottom of the pan. Using a mixer, add one egg at a time. Pour the broth batter into a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Line a baking sheet without holes with baking parchment paper.

First, pipe 16 to 18 equal portions of batter (based on preparation for a 26 cm cake, i.e. about 2/3 of the total amount of batter) onto the baking sheet, spacing them far enough apart. Immediately place in the middle of the oven at 175 degrees and bake for 15 min. Increase the heat to 200 degrees and bake for another 10 to 12 minutes. Take out (do not turn off the stove) and cool.

Spoon the remaining broth batter onto the puff pastry base in a spiral from the center, to two finger widths from the edge (**). Immediately place in the M

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