Tarator – Bulgaria

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 5 min



Remove the skin from the cucumber and cut into very fine cubes or grate.

Salt lightly and put in the refrigerator. Garlic with oil, walnuts and yogurt in the hand mixer form and beat hearty. Stir in whipped cream, season with salt and pepper.

Combine diced cucumber and yogurt mixture, season repeatedly, sprinkle dill and a few reserved halved walnuts, and bring soup to table ice cold. If desired, shape 2-3 ice cubes into each plate.


Tarator is a cold yogurt soup that undoubtedly goes back to oriental origins – similar to the cold soups of other countries, ca. Okroshka in Russia, Gazpacho in Spain, Jajik in Turkey.

Yogurt, called “podkwassa” in Bulgaria, is considered a slimming food in our country. In the Balkans, people are convinced of the health-promoting and life-prolonging effect of the soured milk, although the experts do not believe in it.

Bulgarian statistics proudly point out that there are hundreds of people in Bulgaria who are over 100 years old.

One of them, the oldest Bulgarian, is said to have already celebrated his 119th birthday.

In the last decades, eating yogurt has become common in many European and non-European countries. So if the high average age of Bulgarians is really due to this food, the number of centenarians should soon increase everywhere.

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