Styrian Apple

Rating: 3.80 / 5.00 (122 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the apples:

For the sour cream mousse:


For the Styrian apple, first prepare the sour cream mousse. Soak gelatine leaves in cold water, whip whipped cream until stiff and refrigerate.

Stir sour cream with powdered sugar until smooth, add juice and zest of lemon.

Squeeze the gelatine leaves well and dissolve in a small pan over low heat, then quickly stir the liquid gelatine into the sour cream mixture.

Finally, fold in the whipped cream. Pour the mousse about 2 cm high into a square mold and refrigerate for at least half a day.

For the caramelized apples, peel, core and slice the apples. Let the sugar caramelize and then add apple juice. Then add the spices and ginger.

Let the broth boil down for about 5 minutes and thicken with a little cornstarch if necessary. Add the apple slices, simmer for about 2 minutes and allow to infuse.

When serving, simply layer all 3 components, for example in the following order: sour cream mousse (cut out round), apple chip, caramelized apple, sour cream mousse, apple chip and finish with caramelized apple.

Add some more of the sauce and garnish the Styrian apple with lemon balm.

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