Strawberry Rhubarb Jelly

Rating: 4.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




Rinse and clean the rhubarb and cut into pieces. Add apple juice, sugar and rhubarb to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Soften rhubarb in about 7 min. Cool to lukewarm.

Shape rhubarb in a thin muslin cloth and squeeze well (yields 600 ml juice per kg). Add vanilla sugar to the juice.

Soak white and red gelatin in cold water according to package directions.

Rinse and clean strawberries and cut into slices. Squeeze soaked gelatin, let it melt in the warm rhubarb juice and pour a little bit into a small mold (about 1 liter capacity) as a mirror. Place 1/3 of the strawberries on top and set in the refrigerator.

Put 1/3 of strawberries, mint of choice and half of rhubarb juice on top, solidify. Now add remaining strawberries, perhaps mint leaves and remaining juice. Put jelly to cool for 3-4 hours (preferably for one night).

For the sauce, cut the vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out the pulp. Cook vanilla sauce from milk, vanilla sauce powder, whipped cream, sugar and vanilla pulp according to package instructions. Cool.

Loosen jelly from the rim with a kitchen knife. Dip briefly in hot water and turn out. Cut into pieces. Serve with the vanilla sauce. Arrange with chopped rhubarb jelly, strawberries and mint leaves as desired.

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