Spring Menu:Turnip Soup with Trout Roe

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Wash trout fillets with salt (until skin side is no longer slimy), cut fillet into rhombuses (p.pers. 2kl. rhombuses), marinate in lemon, oil, pepper, salt, garlic, sauté diced onions and garlic in butter, cut out pearls from part of the turnips, blanch briefly, put aside as a filler, butter turnip, celery cleaned, coarsely diced, add to the saucepan, sauté, then add cleaned leek. Add cleaned leek, season with pepper, nutmeg, salt, extinguish with white wine and pour in whipping cream and fish stock, add ground saffron, let soup simmer, crush vegetables after cooking and strain, fry trout fillets on skin side in oil, turn to the other side and cook in the oven at 180 °C for about 5 minutes, season soup, put trout fillets with skin side up in soup plates, add some rutabaga pearls, sprinkle soup with coarsely chopped parsley.

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