Spicy Greens – Spinach

Rating: 2.43 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


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Not only the muscular Popeye appreciates the green spinach herb as a hearty source of strength. Spinach also has a strong position in our kitchens, exceptionally in the cold season.

For a long time it was the ultimate recipe: take a frozen lump of spinach, put it in a hot frying pan, let it melt, add a little cream, and you’re done.

Spinach also seems to have a special relationship with dairy products, because the Italians combine it in many dishes with ricotta and parmesan, the English prepare spinach souffles with eggs and cheddar, and in the Middle East it is the böreks of spinach and feta.

From the East, probably from Persia, the spinach plant came with the Arab tribes and probably also with the Crusaders to Spain, Greece and then to the rest of Europe, where the vegetable soon became popular because it was quick and easy to grow ~ and, moreover, throughout the year.

It has long been believed that spinach is exceptionally healthy because of its iron content. The fact is, however, that the organism can only utilize iron to a limited extent. On the other hand, the vegetable from the goosefoot family – like chard and cabbage stems – is low in calories, but rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A and C.

And another misconception that needs to be corrected: leftover spinach can certainly be reheated, but only if s

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