Saltimbocca – Italy

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)




Why this meat dish must be called typically Italian is quickly explained. For one thing, the sage seasoning and the frying in oil are, of course, Italian characteristics. For another, it involves comparatively small portions of meat. In Italy, a meal usually begins with a pasta dish, such as past’asciutta. It already provides a solid pre-satiation. The subsequent main course or meat course may therefore not be as rich – but it must be delicious.

The saltimbocca are therefore not a massive affair, but not much more than small bites. Nobody has to struggle with them – they jump into the mouth by themselves, so to speak. And that’s also what the name of the saltimbocca says: jump-in-the-mouth.

Carefully pat the cutlets, each according to size, cut each into 2 to 3 pieces. Divide the ham in the same way. Season the meat lightly with salt and pepper to taste. Turn the meat over in flour, place a sage leaf on each piece and a piece of ham on top. Hold together with toothpicks or roulade needles.

Fry the ham cutlets in hot oil until golden brown on both sides, place on a warmed plate. Dissolve the roast stock with Marsala, drizzle the cutlets with the sauce.

Serve with sliced corn (cooked and spread on a plate, cut into pieces, breaded and fried in butter) and green, or ebe

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