Rex: Mixed Quince Jam.

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min





An excellent jam is obtained by boiling 2 parts of quince, 1 part of apples and 1 part of pumpkin until soft, then passing them through a straining machine or hair sieve and boiling down the quantity with 1/2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit so that it falls thickly from the spoon.

From the residues, the peels and seeds, which remained in the sieve during the straining, one can still make a good jelly. For this purpose, the waste is boiled with enough water to cover it for about 15 minutes. The juice is drained through a filtering cloth without squeezing and then boiled down with the sugar (1/2 kg to 1 kg of juice) over a fairly lively fire until jelly is obtained.

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