Profiteroles Star with Tangerine Quark Filling

Rating: 4.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the choux pastry:




Bring salt, milk, water, sugar and butter in small pieces to a boil in a saucepan. Pour in the flour all at once and stir with the wooden spoon until the dough comes off the bottom of the pot as a dumpling and a white coating forms on the bottom of the pot.

Beat in the eggs a little at a time. The dough is ready when it shines and falls from the spoon with difficulty tearing.

Preheat the stove to 200 °C. Using a piping bag with a star-shaped nozzle, pipe the dough into small profiteroles on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Bake one after the other for 25-30 minutes, then cool.

Soak the gelatin sheets until cooled. Remove the peel from the tangerines so thick that the white skin is completely removed, then cut into small pieces.

Stir together the juice of one lemon, curd cheese, lemon zest and powdered sugar. Squeeze the gelatin, let it melt in warm liqueur and fold it in. As soon as the cream begins to gel, fold in the whipped cream and the mandarin orange pieces with the collected juice. Cut the profiteroles in half and fill with the cream. Assemble on a large platter to form a star. Dust with the powdered sugar and bring to the table sprinkled with pistachios.

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