Poultry Fricassee in Rice Border

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



then shape into a round wreath form and turn out onto a flat plate. Cook the chopped broccoli in salt and nutmeg water.

In a saucepan add water, salt, a flake of butter and sugar form, cook the peeled carrots whole in it. Make the potatoes and cut out small balls with a Parisian spoon.

Make a roux, fill with the asparagus stock and add the asparagus spears one more time. Cut off the poultry meat, brown it, add a piece of stock cube and the mushrooms and cook until tender. Add the meat and the mushrooms with the broccoli to the asparagus and season with the juice of a lemon and whipped cream.

Fill everything into the rice rim and decorate with the carrots and potato balls.

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