Pork Medallions with Herb Mustard Crust

Rating: 3.11 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the pork medallions with herb mustard crust, cut the meat into medallions and season with salt and pepper. Wash the chard and cut the leaves and stems into finger-width strips and blanch briefly in hot salted water.

In a frying pan with olive oil, brown the medallions on both sides for four minutes. Then keep warm.

Sauté two-thirds of the garlic and shallots in a frying pan with olive oil. Add mustard, Tabasco, a little pepper and salt. Let cool and add thyme, wild garlic and parsley, egg yolk and breadcrumbs. Spread this mixture on the medallions, top with butter flakes and gratinate in the oven (until the crust is nice and light brown).

Sauté remaining shallots and garlic in a pan with butter and add drained chardb. Season with pepper, nutmeg and salt and saute for a few minutes.

Serve the chard vegetables with the pork medallions with herb mustard crust!

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