Pickled Apples – Mochjonyje Jabloki

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For The Must:

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Note: Start two weeks before, put in 35 to 40 days. The mass depends on the size of the vessel.

(*) Iodine-free is important!

The apples at the beginning lie two weeks after harvest.

Cover the bottom of a clean container with a layer of the leaves. Then fill the container alternately with apples (with the stem end up) and leaves.

For the must, mix the flour in a little cold water, add the boiling water, stand and sift. Add the boiled water, sugar, salt and mustard.

Pour the must over the apples. They must be covered with cider 3 to 4 cm high. Place a wooden disc on top of the apples and weigh it down with a weight. This will cause the must to kick over the disk. Stretch a linen cloth over the jar. Steep at room temperature for five to seven days. The apples absorb a lot of liquid, so keep adding cider. After seven days at the latest, close the jar, but not airtight – the apples must “breathe”. Refrigerate at 2 to 7 °C. After 35 to 40 days the apples are ready for consumption.


* Apples should be hard, ripe, undamaged, without stains and large on the spot.

* Barrels and wooden pots, jars, enameled cooking pots and sealable buckets are suitable for canning.

* The quantity of must indicated above is calculated for one or two larger vessels such as tubs or buckets and can be varied accordingly.

* Since cellars are nowadays often heated

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