Pheasant in Orange Grape Juice

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



(*) or make a jus from the pheasant bones (for this you need a leek, a carrot, an onion, a sprig of thyme and a bay leaf) “Pheasant is food for the gods”, the philosopher Voltaire aptly remarked. Healthy is the meat and properly prepared a real autumn treat. Here’s a delicious recipe from our professional kitchen.

Blanch the savoy cabbage leaves, i.e. boil them in salted water for two to three minutes and then rinse them in iced water. Remove the stem from the leaves and cut the leaves into narrow strips. Sauté in oil and butter, season lightly with salt and season with pepper, add chicken stock and steam leisurely with the lid half open. The liquid should have almost evaporated and the cabbage is ready.

_Prepare the poaching liquid_ Squeeze oranges and grapes, setting the juice aside.

Place walnuts briefly in boiling water and remove the skins (takes a tiny bit, but worth the effort, the nuts taste much finer). Place the nuts in water to prevent the now white nuts from turning black.

_Prepare the pheasant_ From the pheasant, cut the thighs small and separate out the lower bones. Fold and tie with spaghetti. Between the pheasant breasts, remove the “fork”, a piece of bone that looks like a tuning fork, and cut off the back.

Pheasant jus: finely chop the pheasant bones, and sauté in oil and butter and reduce to small

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