
Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Muz Almonds love it hot, but not too hot and especially not with too much fat. Otherwise they become browned calorie bombs that are short in the mouth and forever on the waist. Yet it is so easy to make this delicate sheared pastry yourself.

Cream the cubed butter and sugar with a handheld electric mixer, add the eggs, stir through, then the grated lemon zest, then the flour mixed with the baking powder and salt, and finally the grated almond kernels. Stir until a firm but smooth dough is formed. Form this dough into a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Then divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll out on a floured surface with both hands to about adult thumb thickness, cut small pieces of these rolls 2 cm long and shape them into almond paste.

Later, heat the oil or possibly fat in a deep fryer (180 degrees ) or possibly a large saucepan. Without a thermometer, you can tell how hot it is by sliding a small dough sample into the fat – if it starts to bubble on the spot, then the heat is right.

To fry, carefully slide the muzmonds from a spoon into the hot oil, when they have visibly risen after about 2 min, carefully turn the muzmonds with the spoon, when they are nicely browned on both sides, they are ready – this does not take long overall

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