Merfoussa – Date Mass

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A bean recipe for every taste:

The date mass Merfoussa is used instead of pure dates in Ramadan to break the fast, because the other ingredients make the dates easier to digest. They can also be used as a sweet between meals or as a dessert.

Remove the stones from the dates and crush them with olive oil, add the araar and continue to knead, add the bsissa powder and continue to knead until it becomes firm (the consistency should be similar to marzipan).

*Arrar is the crushed leaves of the juniper tree, but it can be replaced with grated orange peel.

²Bsissa is available as a ready powder, otherwise for rye bsissa roast rye (about 80%) and dried broad beans (about 10%), grind and sieve, mix with coriander, cumin, dried orange peel and salt. For wheat bsissa, roast wheat (about 80%) and chickpeas (about 10%), grind and sift, mix with ground cumin, orange peel, coriander and salt.

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