Melange Gugelhupf

Rating: 3.65 / 5.00 (79 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the light mass:

For the coffee mass:


Prepare a cake pan for the Melange Gugelhupf. Preheat the oven to 170°C hot air or 190°C low top heat. Melt the butter in a saucepan large enough to hold all the ingredients. The butter should not boil, just melt and remove from heat.Add all other dough ingredients in order. Make a well in the flour and mix the baking powder into the flour with a fork. Mix all the ingredients together with a fork.

Divide the dough. Mix the milk into one half and the coffee into the other half. Add enough milk or coffee to make a compact dough that is not too firm. The dough must not be too liquid, otherwise the Gugelhupf will be bacon-y. If the dough is too firm, the Gugelhupf will be dry and hard. Quickly fill the dough into the mold in layers. Finally, use a skewer to spiral through the dough.

Quickly place in the oven. The faster the dough is in the oven, the nicer the Gugelhupf rises.Bake for about 45 minutes. The Melange Gugelhupf is ready when no more dough sticks to the skewer.

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