Marinated Chicken Knuckle with Grilled Potato With

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




while several times coat with a marinade of parade ice pulp, 1 tbsp. mustard, honey, brown sugar, juice of one lemon, green salt, Tabasco, garlic and pepper.

Cut the corn on the cob into thirds, blanch in salted water, drain, season and sauté in butter. Cut the tomatoes in half, lard with garlic slices, season and bake in the stove.

Cut the peeled potatoes into sticks, blanch in a salted water bath, drain, fry in oil and season with salt.

Arrange everything on a flat plate and garnish with basil leaves.

Our wine expert recommends a 98 Cabernet Sauvignon Rose, Bodegas Orvalais from Navarra/Spain.

Corn on the cob

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