Liver Dumpling Soup with Sauerkraut

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Heat the butter in a saucepan and sweat the peeled and finely chopped onion until translucent, remove from the heat and cool.

Place the minced meat with the minced calf’s liver in a large enough bowl, add the cooled onion and half of the parsley, which has been selected, washed and finely chopped, and season with nutmeg, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper.

Make a smooth dough, form small dumplings and cook them in heated salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Heat the light butter or butter in a saucepan and sweat the peeled, finely chopped onion in it until translucent.

Add the soup vegetables and the peeled and diced beet and sweat briefly.

Add the chopped sauerkraut, sweat, pour in the vegetable soup and simmer the vegetables for 10-12 minutes.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes, remove the seeds, cut into cubes, add to the soup with the liver dumplings shortly before the end of cooking and heat through.

Season the soup with nutmeg, pepper, salt, cayenne pepper and sugar, refine with red wine vinegar and serve on 4 plates. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped parsley, garnish and bring to the table on the spot.

Our tip: Use sweet red wine for a sweet note and rather dry wine for flavorful, spicy dishes.

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