Lemon Tart with Islay Whisky Ice Cream

Rating: 2.80 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Islay whisky ice cream:


Maybe your new favorite bean dish:

Blind bake shortcrust pastry for 3 cake pans.

Bring all ingredients in a whisk kettle over a water bath to binding and reduce. Form into the pre-baked shortcake pans and cook at 120 °C in a combination oven (convection oven) until done. Must not get too hot, as consistency should be like an egg custard! Islay whisky ice cream Beat the sugar with the egg yolks until white, bring the milk and whipped cream to the boil with the sliced vanilla pod. Remove the vanilla pod, then scrape out the pulp and add to the milk. Gently stir all together into the egg mixture, return repeatedly to the saucepan and strain to a rose. (Carefully heat to max. 75 °C , otherwise the quantity will curdle). Add the whiskey before freezing in the ice cream maker.

The buffet Roasted and raw marinated scallop with herb foam and lemon pesto Foie gras wrapped in black pudding with cold-stirred sweet cherries and onion puree Skate wings with champagne sauce and green vegetable calf’s head ragout Limousin beef fillet on browned chapeau salad with beef marrow and hot mayo Altmühltal leg of lamb on broad beans with fennel, bottarga and green olive tapenade Lemon tart

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