Layered Vegetable Tureen

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For four servings:


Pasta dishes are simply always delicious!

Separately, steam carrots, broccoli and cauliflower florets in a little salted water for about twelve minutes until soft. Drain the vegetables very well and blend them in a hand blender or with the chopping staff of a hand blender. Place each vegetable puree in a suitable bowl and stir through with one third of the sauce powder and two eggs. Season carrot puree with juice of one lemon, carrot and broccoli purees with nutmeg.

Season each mixture heartily with pepper and salt, respectively. Line a loaf pan (capacity 1, 5 l) with baking parchment. Place the vegetable purees in the mold in any order. Cover the dish with baking parchment and place it in the oven’s grease pan. Fill grease pan with water.

Turn oven on to 200 °C, cook for 120 minutes. Turn out terrine onto a plate. Cut into twelve slices and sprinkle with pepper. Arrange with chives and lemon slices. Serve warm or cooled.

As a 4th vegetarian menu consisting of:

Layered vegetable terrine

Salad quarters with radishes

Wholemeal pasta with walnut sauce

Cream cheese balls with fruits

Vegetable dishes

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