Lasagna with Cabbage Stuffing with Gorgonzola Sauce

Rating: 4.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Lasagne sheets:


Season to taste With:

Gorgonzola sauce:


first stir all the ingredients for lasagna dough. Then knead to a firm dough, put in the foil to cool for an hour and turn through the pasta machine. If you don’t have a machine, you can buy the lasagna sheets ready-made.

For the filling, prepare the cabbage stems (prepare ready to cook, e.g. peel, remove woody parts and dirt), rinse and cut, blanch and quench in iced water. Mix with ricotta and stir in pepper, nutmeg, salt and thyme of choice. Gently melt the cheese in the cream over low heat. Season with pepper.

While the dough is immobilized, cook the filling and sauce. Once the lasagna sheets are ready, take a baking dish and spread the bottom with a layer of Gorgonzola sauce, then put the lasagna sheets on top, then the Gorgonzola sauce, lasagna, cabbage stuffing, lasagna, cabbage stuffing, lasagna and the rest of the Gorgonzola sauce.

Then place in the oven for fifteen minutes at 180 °C.

Tip: Did you know that one bowl of spinach provides about 50 percent of your magnesium needs?

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