Ice Cream Layer Cake

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the strawberry fillings:

For the chocolate fudge:


A cake recipe for all foodies:

Cut the cake base in half. Line a suitable cake springform pan with aluminum foil so that the edge strip extends a little beyond the pan. Fill in the sponge cake base and drizzle with raspberry brandy. Crush the strawberries, mix with sugar, juice of one lemon and zest. Stir the gelatine, softened according to the instructions, into the strawberry mixture. Refrigerate. As soon as the mixture starts to gelatinize, fold in the whipped cream, spread on the cake base and place in the freezer or deep freeze. Crumble the chocolate and melt it with the milk in a water bath at low temperature. Dissolve the soaked gelatine in it and fold in the egg yolks. Scrape the pulp out of the vanilla pod and season the cream with it. Leave everything to cool. Whip the egg whites with the sugar until very stiff. Whip the cream and fold into the cold chocolate cream. Spread the cream on the semi-solid frozen strawberry mixture, freeze repeatedly. Garnish the cake with small meringues, cover with aluminum foil and freeze. Refrigerate an hour before serving to make it easier to portion.

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