
Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (12 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 18.0 (Portionen)




A great cake recipe for any occasion:

According to legend, the yeast pastry owes its unusual name to an intrepid mayor of the town of Crailsheim. In 1379, the small town was besieged by enemies. In order to frighten them, the mayor – other traditions speak of the mayoress – is said to have stuck his naked rear end, decorated into a bearded face, out at the besiegers through a hole in the town wall. The enemy warriors did not want to take on such fearsome figures. They screamed in horror “Horaffen”, which means hairy monkeys, and fled head over heels. The success of this action has been celebrated every year since then in Crailsheim with baked Horaffen.

For the dough, put flour in a large enough bowl. Press a bulge in the middle. Crumble in the yeast. Stir with a little sugar, half the milk and a little flour to make a steam. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise in a warm place for 15 minutes. Add the remaining sugar, the rest of the milk, vanilla sugar, the soft butter or possibly eggs, light butter, lemon zest and salt. Knead everything into a smooth dough. Cover and let rise for another 30 minutes. With floured hands, shape dough into thumb-thick rolls about 10 cm long on well-floured surface. Bend each roll into a semicircle and put two rolls together to form a 3.

Place on a greased baking sheet (g

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