Grandma’s Pasta Pond

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A great pasta dish for any occasion:

It’s worth making a larger unit because the pasta – if you flour it well after rolling and drying – will keep for a few days in the refrigerator and three months in the freezer.

Basic recipe pasta dough that can be used for lasagna, pasta, cannelloni, ravioli, etc. Can be used: If you want to make green pasta, replace 1 egg with 350 g of spinach, cook it until soft and pass it through a sieve.

Sift the flour on the table, sprinkle with salt, make a bulge in the center, pour in the eggs one by one, mix with a fork with a little bit of flour, then knead with your hands. Remove the flour sticking to the table and hands with a dough scraper, work it into the dough mixture. Depending on the size of the eggs, it will take 3 or 4 eggs for this amount of flour. When the dough is smooth and supple, form a ball, cover it with a wet dishcloth and let it rest for 1/2 hour. Then roll it out with a rolling pin until it is only millimeters thick. For lasagna, cut pieces about 5 cm wide, corresponding in length to the gratin dish provided.

For pasta, leave the dough a little thicker, roll it up loosely, cut it into 5 mm wide strips. If you don’t want to use the pasta on the spot, dry it on a dish.

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