Goose Terrine in Lard

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Remove the goose fat from the goose. Divide the goose into pieces: Separate the legs. Quarter the body. Rub with salt, mugwort and marjoram: Remove the skin from the onions and garlic cloves. Cut the onion into rings. Halve the garlic cloves. Melt the goose fat in a generously sized saucepan. Fill up with goose fat. Cook the goose pieces in gently simmering lard until cooked through, about an hour. Next, add onion and garlic and cook for another half hour. Remove the pieces of goose and cool. Remove the meat from the bones. Make sure that breast pieces and leg meat remain in one piece as much as possible. Layer goose meat in a casserole dish that fits as extensively as possible. Heat the lard again, pour it through a sieve into the tureen. The whole must be covered with lard. Fill the remaining lard into pots. Keep the goose terrine in the refrigerator with the lid closed.

Shelf life: about four weeks

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