Fresh Pomegranate Orange Juice*

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



*Hassir Romman B’Limun Fill a large baking bowl with water. Cut the pomegranate in half lengthwise. Holding the fruit under water, break apart and separate the seeds from the skin and white flesh. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the baking dish, skim off the flesh floating on top. Drain the seeds through a sieve.

Rinse and remove all remaining pulp and skin.

Grind the pomegranate seeds with the water in a hand blender or juicer. Strain through a fine sieve, squeezing the puree with the back of a spoon almost as much as possible. Stir the juice with the orange juice and the orange blossom water, sweeten with sugar as desired. Serve on ice cubes, garnished with mint leaves.

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