Frango Piri Piri Com Arroz – Grilled Chicken with Piri Piri …

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (Portionen)



For the poultry rice:

For The Piri Piri Sauce:


Piri Piri Important: the Piri Piri should be prepared two to three weeks before the first use!

Open the chili peppers with a sharp kitchen knife and fill a clear glass bottle to just under a third. Remove the peel from the garlic (this is easy if you crush the cloves a little with the back of a knife beforehand!) and squeeze and add with the herbs. Pour the whisky (it works also with vodka or possibly with fig brandy, o. Ae.) and fill up with oil. Leave to infuse in a warm place for at least 3 weeks.

The Piri-Piri looks harmless, but it is spicy and hot as hell.

Marinade for the tenderloin Remove the skin from the garlic and whisk with the wine. Add bay leaf, water, paprika, pepper, Worcester sauce, nutmeg.

Squeeze the lemons and oranges cut into pieces by hand into the broth and add the peels. Whisky to taste.

Grilled Chicken Open the chicken at the back (do not cut in half!) and place on the countertop with the flat side of a kitchen cleaver oe. Ae. Beat well until flat. Make two to three small cuts in each of the thickest parts of the drumsticks so that the meat will cook evenly later.

Place the tenderloins in a sufficiently large bowl or tub, pour the marinade over them and let them marinate for at least 2 hours. Remove from marinade, dry, season with salt and cook on a charcoal grill for about 30 minutes. Repeatedly sprinkle with the marinade

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