Forelle Baskische Art – Basquaise Trout

Rating: 2.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Remove skin from bell pepper, either by carefully peeling or by grilling halved bell pepper in oven.

When it blisters, peel off skin. Cut peeled pepper into narrow strips. Dice Bayonne ham, shallot and garlic also finely diced. Sauté shallot and garlic cubes in oil/butter mixture, add bell pepper strips and Bayonner ham cubes. Roast for a few min at not too high temperature. Season with pepper. Cool. Lightly flour trout, season inside with pepper, then fill in stuffing. Fry in oil-butter mixture at not too high temperature. Roast for 5 to 7 min on each side. Before serving, sprinkle with Neugewürz d’Espelette. It can be served with braised mushrooms.

Drinking suggestion: a white Jurançon

Tip: It is best to use your favorite ham – then your dish will taste twice as good!

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