Filled Gingerbread Hearts ‘Schwand

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




For the dough flour, sugar and spices on the table form, mix well, forming a wreath. Honey and the beaten eggs in the middle form, mix with the flour. Knead the dough, rest at least 1/2 day.

Knead dough repeatedly, roll out 1/2 cm thick, cut out hearts. The bottom must be 1/2 cm smaller than the top all around.

For the filling, soak the cucumbers for one night, cook them until soft one day later and put them through the chopper. Chop the figs very finely, chop the candied lemon peel and candied orange peel very finely and mix with the remaining ingredients to make a spreadable filling.

Spread filling evenly 1/2 to 3/4 cm thick on bottom of heart, brush edge of dough with water and place cover sheet on top, gluing edge well. Place gingerbread hearts on a greased baking sheet with enough space between them. Bake in a heated oven at 220 degrees for about

twenty minutes.

After baking, while still hot, brush with gum arabic (***).

To do this, melt 30 g of gum arabic (drugstore) with 2-3 tablespoons of water in a water bath.

Garnish each gingerbread heart with sugar icing as desired.

Homemade gum arabic: Roast 100 g potato starch or cornstarch in a pan without fat until brown. Extinguish with four to five dl of water, simmer quietly on low heat. Strain the liquid obtained and then boil a little more.


(*) Ruch flour: degree of grinding 80%, a little lighter than type 1050.

(**) Halfw

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