Duck Ragout – with Pasta

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Remove the fat skin from the duck breast and cut into small pieces. Now cut the duck breast fillet into narrow slices in the same way. Clean, rinse and dice the zucchini and bell bell pepper. Halve the peppers lengthwise, remove the seeds and cut diagonally into narrow strips. Have garlic ready in a garlic press, open tomato can. In a frying pan over medium heat, render the pieces of duck fat. Now take out the pieces of skin repeatedly. In the rendered fat, fry the fillet slices briefly, squeeze and add the garlic and add the pepperoni strips and half of the chopped mint. Now take the duck meat out of the frying pan and put it aside. In the still hot frying pan, briefly sauté the vegetable cubes, sprinkle with sugar and season with salt and pepper. Deglaze everything with the red wine and the canned tomatoes in their own juice and let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Now you add the sautéed duck meat repeatedly and let it briefly bubble up.

The remaining mint is then added to the duck ragout and the ragout is seasoned again with salt and pepper. Make the pasta al dente, drain and serve with the duck ragout. Finally, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, if desired.

Our tip: Use sweet red wine for a sweet note and rather dry wine for flavorful, spicy dishes.

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