Double Cooked Pork

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Perhaps your new favorite bean dish:

– Bone 2 Red red ote peppers, to taste – a little bit a little bit as more Dried black beans rz beans – to ach taste 2 1/2 1/2 tbsp. Hot bean sauce Chinese rice wine, ice wine, or – sherry sherry y

Dried Chilly Chilly y

Cook the pork chops in enough boiling hot water (salted) to make them pink for 20 min. Cut into 4 mm thin slices and – if there is enough time – marinate in a baking dish with sherry or rice wine for a while. Chop the green of spring onions and the peppers. In a wok, sautĂ© the peppers in vegetable oil until translucent and remove. Then melt the sugar in the wok, add a little bit of sherry or rice wine, the hot bean sauce, dried chili and maybe dried black beans form and stir for 5 minutes. The sauce is ready.

Repeatedly heat the meat in the sauce, then add the previously steamed peppers and season everything together with soy sauce at the end and add the onion greens.

Preparation 50 min

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