Classic Layer Salad Cake

Rating: 3.29 / 5.00 (113 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the salad:

For the dressing:

To decorate:


Wash the iceberg lettuce, separate approx. 6 leaves, pluck them round and drain thoroughly.

Peel the pineapple and cut into small cubes. Wash the apple, celery and leek and chop them as well. Now wash the radishes and cut into thin slices.

Turn the corn out of the can and let it dry well.

Hard boil the eggs, peel and slice them.

Now place a cake ring on a plate and starting with the lettuce, layer the cake as follows: Ham, leeks, corn, dressing, wild garlic, eggs, pineapple, apples, dressing and cheese.

Between layers, keep chilling the tart in the refrigerator for a few minutes.

Before decorating, carefully remove the cake ring and only then start decorating. To do this, top the salad cake with the sliced celery, leeks and some lettuce leaves. Place the sliced radishes and edible flowers on top as well and finish the nest with small apple cubes.

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