Chocolate Chestnut Pave

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Lightly grease a loaf pan and line the bottom with greased parchment paper. Peel the chestnuts and put them in a saucepan together with the vanilla pod. Pour in water and simmer gently with the lid on for 25 minutes, until the chestnuts are soft. Remove the vanilla pod, drain the chestnuts and grind them in a food processor or put them through a meat grinder.

Melt the chocolate in 125 ml of water and stir until smooth. Cool to hand heat. Cream butter and sugar. Add the chocolate then the chestnut puree, brandy and vanilla essence and mix everything together well. Fill the mixture into the prepared loaf pan, cover and then refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

* From the municipal utilities of Bochum 4 / 92

Tip: Feel free to use better chocolate – the more delicious the result will taste!

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