Chicken in Batter

Rating: 4.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Zij plj onok w testj e – Chicken in batter

roast the chopped onions with water and pour in the long grain rice. Season the rice with salt and pepper, add the finely chopped hard-boiled egg, mix everything together, fill the chicken with this mixture and sew it up. Defrost 2 sheets of puff pastry and roll out each one separately, brush the chicken with melted butter and season with salt, wrap it in the first sheet of pastry, brush this wrapper again with butter, then wrap the other sheet of pastry over it and press it well smooth and close it. Put everything on a tray and brush with beaten egg and bake in the stove for 2 hours. Cover the chicken with aluminum foil to prevent the dough crust from burning.

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