Chestnut Mousse Terrine

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Sponge cake:

For garnish:


Preheat the oven to 200 °C.

For the sponge, beat the egg yolks and 3/5 of the sugar until creamy. Beat the egg whites with 1/5 of the sugar until whipped egg whites. Add the remaining 1/5 sugar and mix both egg masses together, stir in the flour, then the melted butter. Spread on baking foil and bake on the spot.

Then sprinkle with a little sugar, turn out with this sugar side down onto baking release foil and spread out the baking dish with it (set aside enough sponge for the lid!). Cool.

Stir the chestnut puree with kirsch. Melt the gelatine in a little water according to package instructions and fold into the puree. Cool and carefully fold in the whipped cream. Fill the baking dish halfway with the mixture, pour in the marinated chestnuts and fill up with the remaining quantity so that the sponge cake lid still fits on top. Freeze for three hours.

To serve, place a slice of terrine on each plate. Garnish with chopped pistachios and fresh mint. Serve not too cooled.

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