Charlotte Lorraine

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Cut about half of the sponge cake in the middle.

Drain the morello cherries, flavor with half of the cherry brandy, mix well and leave for a short time.

Mix the curd with the fresh cream (the curd-crème fraîche ratio can of course be adjusted as desired) and season with the sugar. Next, mix the cherries into the curd cream.

Brush the edge of the quiche dish with the honey. Then spread the biscuits on the rim at the beginning and then on the bottom of the mold (with the “sugar side” facing up). At the edge, place the halved biscotti vertically, with the “sugar side” facing out. Stir the remaining cherry brandy (a tiny bit more if you like…) through with sugar and spread evenly over the biscotti.

Pour the cherry and topping cream into the mold and refrigerate for about eight to ten hours.

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