Casserole with Mushrooms, Fennel, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Carrot*.

Rating: 2.89 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Q U E L L E:


A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

At the latest after Christmas and New Year’s Eve and the cabbage and pee trip comes for many people the hour of truth. What are not there the whole for tricks endeavored, in order to wring at least still another few gram from the balance. All in vain, the pointer strikes out relentlessly, the numbers of the digital display chase one the fright in the limbs.

At such moments, plans to turn back mature. The pounds have to come off, and quickly. But the world is not that simple. What grew leisurely to roll, dwindles just as only at a snail’s pace.

There is a large baking dish full of vegetables, which is baked in the stove.

Sounds unspectacular at first, but it is decidedly tasty and healthy.

The days when vegetable dishes were cheaper than meat on a plate are over. Sometimes, at the checkout, you get the feeling that you haven’t shopped at the greengrocer’s, but at the jewelry store. The second remark applies to the cheese: Here the fat trap lurks, who wants to save calories, reaches for low-percenters.

The beginning with the good resolutions is made, there falls the

Château la Pompe, in expert circles also called Bremer Wasser, Wohl bekomm’s! *Casserole with broccoli, mushrooms, fennel, kohlrabi, carrots and potatoes

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