Carrot Terrine with Parsley Sauce

Rating: 3.65 / 5.00 (69 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the sauce:


Peel the carrots, cut two carrots lengthwise into thin strips with a peeler and blanch the strips in a perforated dish (1). Cut remaining carrots into cubes, place in a perforated bowl in the steamer (insert a closed bowl underneath to catch the cooking liquid) and cook (2). Then puree. Mix the eggs, whipping cream, softened butter, salt and pepper with the carrot puree and add the grated cheese. Rinse a terrine mold in cold water, line with plastic wrap and line with the carrot strips, pour in the puree, cover with the protruding carrot strips and the plastic wrap. Place the mold on an unperforated steamer dish and poach the terrine (3). For the sauce, warm the whipping cream and cooking liquid in a sauce pan. Chop and add plucked parsley leaves, blend everything very finely in a blender. Season to taste with salt and cayenne pepper. If necessary, heat the sauce again slightly – do not boil. Cut the terrine into slices and serve with the sauce. Serve with grissini, if desired.

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