Caramelized Curd Omelet with Pineapple Ragout

Rating: 2.63 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Pot omelets:

Pineapple ragout:


half an hour (without cooling time), for the ambitious For the curd omelets:

Mix sour cream, curd cheese, yolks, flour, custard powder and grated lemon peel together well. Whip egg whites and sugar with a little salt until stiff and mix gently.

In a heavy frying pan, caramelize a thick layer of sugar until light and use the amount by the spoonful. Bake at 180 degrees on the bottom of the oven for about 6 minutes, the amount should still be creamy. Repeatedly heat the frying pan with the omelettes on the stove, add a few knobs of butter and quickly lift the omelettes out of the frying pan with two well buttered pallets and serve them on the spot with the pineapple ragout.

For the pineapple ragout:

Bring the pineapple juice, orange juice as well as the pineapple stem with the vanilla beans to a boil and steep for about 15 minutes, following which drain. Lightly caramelize the sugar, pour in the pineapple stock and briefly infuse the pineapple cubes. Bind with a little pudding powder and season with rum and coconut liqueur. Place in the refrigerator until further use.


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