Caponata Di Melenzane

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Prepare Soak the raisins -covered with cold water- for one night.

Roast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan over medium heat until golden brown all over. Turn again and again to the other side. Remove the skin from the onions and cut them into not too narrow rings. Rinse all vegetables and cut into not too small pieces. Heat the oil in a wide frying pan.

Fold the onion rings in it, turning them constantly.

They must not brown in any case. Add the vegetables and fry them, turning them. Sprinkle with salt and continue to turn to the other side until the vegetable mixture draws juice. Stir in the olives and add honey. Increase the temperature and let the vegetable mixture fall together, turning constantly. After 20 min of cooking, add the drained raisins, add the vinegar and cook it down while continuing to turn. Stir in the pine nuts, then sprinkle the very finely chopped kitchen herbs over the mixture. Bring everything to the table hot on the spot, lukewarm or room temperature.

Typical of Sicilian dishes is the addition of honey, raisins and vinegar. Raisins come from the Arabic past, honey and vinegar – the sweet-sour combonenten – are a heritage of the ancient Roman food culture.

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