
Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 5 min



Kazakh bouillon from mutton and horse meat

Fill the prepared mutton bones and horse meat (in one piece) with tap water and boil bouillon on the stove. Cut the sheer mutton into narrow strips and brown it in hot mutton fat in the frying pan for 10 to 15 minutes, then add the diced onions and the radishes cut into strips and continue to braise for 20 to 25 minutes, adding the reduced liquid with a little meat broth. Just before the meat is fork-tender, add the tomatoes cut into large pieces. Put the meat and greens in the broth, add bay leaf spices, salt and pepper and let it boil.

Beat the eggs with cow’s milk, mix the flour and pour the mixture into a greased hot frying pan. Cut the resulting thick pancake into wide spaghetti and finally offer it with the broth.

Add the herbs and chopped garlic to the broth and let it simmer for 3 to 4 minutes with the lid closed. Before serving, pull the horse meat out of the broth, cut into tender strips and add to broth one more time.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – they also stand out for their fresh taste!

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