Apricot Parfait with Poppy Sauce and Apricot Compote

Rating: 3.80 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Poppy sauce:

Apricot compote:


Parfait: Pit apricots and blend finely with 100 g sugar and 2 tbsp almond liqueur in a hand mixer. Pass through a sieve. Soak gelatine in cold water. Cook apricot mixture on the kitchen stove by half, fold in squeezed gelatine and cool, but not yet firm. Stir egg yolks and 200 g sugar.

Bring milk with cut vanilla bean to a boil and then carefully fold into the egg yolk-sugar mixture while stirring throughout. beat everything together at low temperature (or on a water bath) with a whisk to a thick cream (be careful: if the temperature is too high, the egg yolks will curdle!). Chill the cream on a baking bowl with ice cubes or in a food processor. Now stir in 3 tbsp almond liqueur and the stiff whipped cream and fill into the loaf pan. Finally, carefully stir in the apricot puree and pull through with toothpicks so that it looks like marbled. The parfait must be frozen for 12 hours in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator or in the freezer. 20 min before serving it should be fished out so that it can thaw slightly. Now it has the best consistency. You can garnish it with mint and bring it to the table with fresh apricots or raspberries. At the Willenbrink Inn, it is served with poppy seed sauce and apricot compote.

Poppy sauce: Mix egg yolks and sugar, boil milk with the cut vanilla pod and carefully fold into the egg yolk-sugar mixture.

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